Welcome to "ViperPlace" - The WebPage permanently under construction! |
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Well, to put it simple, MILITARY IMAGERY GALLERY. It's a little something I've been planning to do for a while - a place to demonstrate some pics I've taken a while back. The ultimate goal would probably be to turn this place into a fully militarized zone, covering all topics of armed services worldwide, but the way things look, that goal will remain unreachable - just don't have time. So, in the meanwhile, ViperPlace will mostly stick to the pics I've taken, and probably some I'll borrow and "borrow" from other sites (any contributions are most welcome - especially original photos).
I do have series of pics from IDF/IAF museum in Hatzerim, and IDF Armour museum in La-Troun. Quality is average (God, who am I kidding? Quality is somewhere between "sucks" and "non-existent" !), but hey, I'm a military fan (Cut that laughter, Dlinniy!), not a professional photographer. One thing I'm confident of - those pics are original. Maybe THAT one (generic) will give exactly the angle on Merkava that YOU were looking for ? (Oh, BTW, I guess one could say that my Merkava Mk3 coverage isn't bad!) . Right now, I'm planning to scan in the second batch of pics (LaTroune '99, that is), so come back to check this place for new stuff. Already here and more to come of:
Ground forces equip : Merkava Mk2/Mk3, M-60, T-54, T-55, T-62, T-72, BMP-1, BTR-70, ZSU-23-4, BRDM-2, SA-9, SA-2.
Aircraft : Hawkeye, F-4, Kurnass-2000, Lavi, F-16, Mig-23, Kfir, Nesher, Mirage-3, Gazelle, Cobra, Huey.
Apparently not. :-) . I know, the pics aren't that fascinating (no SU-27s punching holes in the ground, etc.), but at least I'm confident they're all unique. I don't have the time to crawl through the web, downloading breathtaking pics from other people's sites and placing them here. Not right now anyway. So, for now it'll be something like "Viper's virtual photo album". Like it? Good. Find it lame? Contribute your own "cool" pics, you'll get mentioned in "credits" section, and the site will become "cooler" as well. Fair enough?
"First and foremost - my mom and dad, for having me!". Just kidding. :-) Well, Great many thanks to Gromozeka for scanning my pics. Without his contribution this site would have been created, but with far more serious delays (does it get to be any more serious that 4 years???), and with a lot more of "asking favors from people who's @#$%s I'd like to shoot off". Next - Dlinniy of course, for the logistics support and his friendship. Well, that sort of covers it... Oh, almost forgot - Peter Eriksson, for a couple of site-building ideas (this is my first site after all, so I kinda peeked at his "Tank Information Center" while building it...) and the "Barbed Wire" separators. :-)
Yes people. The pictures are MINE. (Before I start using other people's pics, anyway). I have the full copyright on every single picture published on this site, unless explicitly stated otherwise. YOU MAY NOT reproduce any of the pictures you see here at your own site as if they were your own, UNLESS EXPLICITLY PERMITTED TO DO SO by me. (And trust me, it doesn't take much to convince me! :-) ). On the other hand, if amongst pictures present on this site (and not claimed to be mine) you find a picture that you have the legal rights on, or know a person who does, DO NOT HESITATE TO NOTIFY ME, and the issue will be settled to the best interests of the image author (and mine too, of course :-) ).
Views expressed in this page are mine, and mine alone, and do not represent any social group or organization, private or government alike. You are free to agree or disagree with me (unless you live in a Communist-ruled country, and the only views you can support are those of the Communist Party). The author means no malice nor harm toward any individual or nation. (Liar, liar! There are a couple of guys here and there whom I would enjoy harming, but I'll try to avoid mentioning their names on this webpage). Any statements on the part of the author are strictly in his opinion.
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Drop me a line : proj947@yahoo.com |